Welcome to KIKOFF Leagues
Are you all ready for KIK OFF?
Kik Off Leagues are professionally organised social and competitive 5 & 6-a-side football leagues throughout the UK suited for all abilities and fitness levels. We are excited to be able to offer you the chance to play every week, wherever you live, or whatever standard you are – in a safe and friendly environment.
We have many many years experience in the running of 5 & 6 a side football leagues, so we know exactly what you want and what you expect from top quality 3G Pitches to the type of footballs we use, from FA Referees to the kick off times to suit your needs, to a dedicated person on hand to deal with any query you might have – we are here for you not just from the Kik Off!
To get your team involved right now in one of the fastest growing league operators in the UK, simply submit a form by clicking the ‘Apply Now’ button.
You can also contact us via phone or email by clicking ‘Contact Us’ as we would love to hear from you.
Already in a league? Click here to see how you’re doing.